Altus Entertainment Background
Female performer in elegant dress standing beside a lightning rod for an entertainment event | Altus Entertainment

Tesla Coil High Voltage Stunts

booking highlights

   Demonstrates collaboration and leadership

   Tailor-made electric entertainment experience

   Over a decade in high-voltage entertainment

   Innovative blend of music and electricity

Services Offered

Tesla Coil High Voltage Stunts PHOTOS

Tesla Coil High Voltage Stunts VIDEOS


Get ready to supercharge your event with our "Tesla Coil High Voltage Stunts." This isn't just a performance; it's an electrifying experience that promises to energize your event by displaying collaborative, innovative, and high-voltage entertainment. As pioneers of electric entertainment, this performance group brings your favorite tracks to life through lightning, symbolizing the power and energy that drives your brand. Imagine a robot co-hosting your event, representing the seamless blend of human touch and technology, or your CEO embodying corporate dominance by shooting lightning from their hands. This show isn't just about stunts; it's a metaphor for innovation, leadership, and collaboration. Safety is never compromised. With over a decade of experience, the group ensures a safe yet exciting experience. Our Tesla Coil High Voltage Stunts offer a tailor-made experience, promising to align with your brand's vision and leave your audience electrified.