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A woman in a cowboy costume juggling a pair of lights. | Altus Entertainment

Cowgirl Diabolo Performer

booking highlights

    Available to perform at events worldwide and based in Las Vegas

   Perform incredible juggling tricks with up to four diabolos, combining this alongside fast-paced routines that continue to defy gravity.

   She engages spectators with her fast-paced Cowgirl Show, a classic theme.

   She holds the world record in juggling the most Diabolos at once

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Cowgirl Diabolo Performer VIDEOS


Diabolo's performer will have you guessing what she is capable of next with her high-energy show that includes incredible juggling skills and fast manipulation! Having trained in all circus disciplines from a young age, this female juggler has followed in her parent’s footsteps to become one of the world’s best performers.

A unique skill set combined with practice has successfully allowed her to conquer the Diabolo. The Cowgirl Diabolo Performer has been known to perform incredible juggling tricks with up to four diabolos, combining this alongside fast-paced routines that continue to defy gravity. She engages spectators with her fast-paced Cowgirl Show, a classic theme that takes inspiration from A-list celebrities such as singing pop sensation Katy Perry who held a western-themed "Ho Down" party in celebration of her 27th birthday! This act is perfect for events like corporate parties or private celebrations where you want an exciting show while also keeping it lighthearted and fun. Her energetic, enthusiastic performance will have you in awe of her amazing skills. To book, contact your entertainment specialist at Altus Entertainment.