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Circus performers executing an act before an engrossed audience | Altus Entertainment

Outdoor Circus Show

booking highlights

   Roaming outdoor circus enchantment

   Customized contraption fits all venues

   Open-air spectacle under the sky

   Aerial acts in any outdoor setting

   Immersive pedal-driven circus experience

Services Offered

Outdoor Circus Show PHOTOS


Welcome to the great outdoors, where the circus spectacle meets the boundless sky. Altus Entertainment proudly presents an Outdoor Circus that redefines the festival landscape – a place where aerialists soar, and performers dazzle under the open heavens. Our pedal-driven circus platform was conceived for the festival world, marrying large-scale grandeur with the unparalleled ability to deliver aerial acts anywhere your imagination can reach.

Our Outdoor Circus isn't just a performance; it's an immersive journey where the thrill of the cirque can roam freely, making each act an intimate encounter with the extraordinary. Unique in its design, our portable stage is a circus that moves among your guests, creating experiences that linger long after the final bow. Imagine an aerial show taking place right above the heads of an entranced audience, where the proximity magnifies the magic.

Beyond merely being a traveling platform, this outside circus is an architectural marvel capable of becoming the commanding centerpiece of any event. It is a remarkable sight, drumming up anticipation before a single performer takes the spotlight. Whether designed to glide over seated guests or command a fixed spot, our open-air circus show adds a new dimension to the concept of spectacle.

Let our team customize this to fit your venue, whether a sprawling outdoor space or a carefully arranged indoor arena. Our Outdoor Circus Show promises jaw-dropping performances and seamless integration with your event's theme and logistics.

Choose Altus Entertainment's Outdoor Circus for a show that combines the freshness of the outdoors with the enchantment of the circus. It's more than an act – an event within an event. This mobile marvel brings the circus to life in the open air, under the stars, and beyond the confines of traditional venues.