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Elegant Fashion Illustration | Altus Entertainment

Elegant Fashion Illustration

booking highlights

   Available to book for events worldwide, based in New York

   Elegant fashion illustrators that have worked with Bloomingdales, Fendi, Ferrari, Hermès, and more!

   Exquisite illustration artists who produce memorable art which is perfect for any event

   Elegantly drawn fashion illustrations to create personalized mementos of your event

Services Offered

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The artists are available for unique artistic event engagements throughout the US and worldwide. They specialize in fashion illustrations that capture an individual's style, whether it be personalized mementos of your event to help make any occasion memorable or for high-end clients that need digital sketches. The fashion illustrations created by these artists are unique and custom-made to meet the needs of each client. They have worked with big names in fashion including Fendi, Ferrari, Hermès, and more. From live fashion sketches to digitally rendered on a tablet, these artists can create rapid illustrations that can be shared instantly with clients or guests.

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but these artists have found a way to capture it on paper. With the help of our talented team, you can bring your ideas to life. These artists specialize in cutting-edge drawings and are skilled at fashion illustrations that will make any event memorable for years to come. Whether you need to launch new products or promote your company's campaign, these artistic professionals have a solution tailored right for any event, from weddings to corporate functions like galas.