At Altus Entertainment, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of respect and protection for third-party intellectual property rights.
We diligently attempt to ensure that all performers and vendors grant us explicit permission to use their materials. This commitment extends to all content uploaded to our platform or provided to us, with assurances that it is either owned by the contributor or that they have the legal authority to utilize all related intellectual property rights.
In the unlikely event that you encounter material on our pages that you believe infringes upon a trademark you hold, please refer to the first tab below for guidance on how to report it.
Similarly, if you come across content that you believe infringes upon your copyright, please use the second tab below for detailed instructions on addressing your concerns.
For any other inquiries or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to us directly through our contact channels. Your intellectual property rights are of utmost importance to us, and we are here to ensure they are respected and protected.
A trademark is typically a unique word, logo, or a combination of both, used by a business to distinguish its products or services from others. Trademarks must be distinctive and are registered for specific goods or services. Once registered, a trademark owner has exclusive rights to prevent others from using the same or a confusingly similar mark for the same or similar goods and services if it could lead to public confusion. While Altus Entertainment is committed to respecting these rights, we do not provide legal advice. The information provided here is for general guidance for users of our website.
Please Note:
By submitting this report, you assert your belief that the usage of the reported trademark has not been authorized by the trademark owner or their representative, and that all information you provide is accurate and true to the best of your knowledge.
Any representative submitting this report on behalf of a trademark owner confirms that they are duly authorized to act for the trademark owner.
By entering your name below, you, the undersigned, affirm your agreement to the above declaration and your commitment to uphold the integrity of intellectual property rights.
Copyright is a legal right that protects original creative works for a certain duration, including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works such as books, plays, music, and art. By submitting this report, you are confirming that you believe the content in question to be an unauthorized use of copyrighted material, and that you are either the copyright owner or an authorized representative. The information provided in this report is accurate to the best of your knowledge.
Any representative submitting this report on behalf of a copyright owner is asserting their authorized status to act on the copyright owner’s behalf.
By entering your name below, you, the undersigned, affirm your agreement to the above declaration and acknowledge your role in protecting and respecting copyright laws.